So much to blog, you guys, I don't know where to start! I've been so busy the last couple weeks with the end of the semester. Here's some of the stuff we've been up to lately. Above is a photo of Maureen and me at the Fiorentina v. AC Milan game (yes, we lost). The day after that, Letizia stopped by for lunch and a relaxing afternoon bro-ing out at the villa:

Some cops trotting through BROboli gardens,
as we re-coined it on a field trip to Pitti Palace
A couple shots of lunchtime at the villa:

Ryan made it a point to one-up himself every time he sculled.

Anatole's delicate espresso-carrying tactics
were the daily highlight of lunch.

Alex & Maureen doing their Turtle dance
(They call me Turtle for good reason:
I have a bright green jacket.)
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