Saturday, April 9, 2022

NC: Books, Butterflies, & Basketball

Last weekend I visited North Carolina to get a dose of Brookshire baby time.  The weather was great except for the first hour I was there (more on that in a moment), the energy in Chapel Hill was hyped due to UNC and Duke facing off for the first time in the Final Four that weekend, and we were all excited to get to spend some quality time together.

About 30 seconds after getting into the car with Kristen at airport arrivals, the emergency sirens blared and the radio said there was a tornado warning.  It began listing the more specific areas of concern, the last one being that a tornado touched RDU airport.  We looked at each other with wide eyes and decided to take shelter in the parking garage until the warning passed.  All was well after that - no flying monkeys or striped witch legs spotted.

What a tornado alert looks like

I don't believe I have ever in my life received a more rousing welcome than when I picked up Rosalee from school that first day:

That's a heart melter right there

As expected, every morning Rosalee would come to greet me first thing so we could read books together in the guest bed.  In one book, the girl had a sailboat.  When I asked Rosalee if she had a boat, she replied, "No.  Because I don't have a lake."  Makes sense to me.

Another time, unprompted, she said to me, "You're a really good reader."   

On one of many walks!  
We tried to spot real bunnies but only found these two.

Kristen took Friday off and we took the opportunity to fit a lot in: donation drop offs, brunch from Monuts, Duke Gardens, and a happy hour with her old coworkers.

Duke Gardens

Tulips galore

Grabbing pints at Franklin Motors

Chatting with the old gang

The rest of the family joined us for dinner at Vimala's.  Elliott loved mango lassi.

Saturday morning kicked off with presents!  And later, the farmer's market, the Durham Museum of Life and Science, and ultimately the Final Four game.

So pleased.

Gorgeous choice

First time getting to play inside the museum!

Can you spot Rosalee?

She was hyped on pure joy that the tree house area was reopened.
Rosalee: "I do some things that are preeeetty tricky."

Quick play pause for a girls shot!

After lunch we went to visit the butterflies!  What would make or break the visit?  Rosalee having one land on her again.

Kind strangers recognizing Rosalee's urgent need

Attempted transfer

Silly walks only leaving the museum

Meal times with Elliott were always a crack-up.  It's fascinating to see what interests a one-year-old culinarily-speaking.  I also loved the level of enjoyment he would take in his meals.  I mean, check this kid out:

Bath time was usually necessary after dinner time

Snuggle Yoda!

Tia Kelly got invited to bedtime stories three out of four nights!  Big win.  Rosalee was particularly excited about the new books she and Elliott received, especially Don't Hug Doug (highly recommend).

UNC frat parties for the game,
we decided to pass

Things I learned about basketball this weekend:
  • Michael Jordan went to UNC
  • "In the paint" means scoring from within the free-throw rectangle
  • Probably other stuff but I've unlearnt it by now
UNC won the Final Four game,
but it was a nail biter!

Here are a couple shots from morning play time on our last day together before heading to Carborro for the open streets fair.  I got so much pleasure out of teasing little steps out of Elliott.  He's getting close to confidently walking - right now he's standing on his own and giving us one wobbly step here and there.  You can tell he's proud of himself when it happens!

One step video from the museum

Pillow falls!

Tia Kelly's squishy car vantage point

One car ride poor Elliott was not having it (turns out Cheerios can solve a lot), and wailed inconsolably for 20 minutes straight.  Towards the end of the ride, Rosalee said, "How did this ever happen to us?"  Hey, we were all thinking it.

Rosalee had so much fun at the fair.  She tried jump roping and hula hooping, got to cruise around on her bike, made some new friends at lunch, bounced around with bubbles, learned to limbo, and even got to sit in the driver's seat of a new electric bus.

These are a few of Kristen's favorite things: 
Rosalee, bikes, electric transportation, Tar Heels

Get ready to be overwhelmed by cuteness.  I present: Elliott's dating profile pictures.

We were all pretty beat after the fair.  During Elliott's nap and Rosalee's quiet time, I enjoyed my own mixture of both out on the hammock.  

Soon though, it was discovered that a lethargic raccoon had posted up in the neighbor's chicken coup.  (They are always having exciting animal events in North Carolina, it seems.)  That interrupted quiet time and brought most of us (sans Elliott) to check it out.  Don't worry, he ended up exiting on his own later and no chickens (or small children) were injured.

Relocating quiet time to the hammock

A blooper of the following not-so-quiet-time!

I'm so glad I got to squeeze in this weekend with them all.  Rosalee is sharp and fun to talk with, and I feel as though I got the last moments of Elliott as a baby.  Thanks for having me, Brookshire Family!  Maybe the next time we see each other will be in California.

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