So as you all know by this point, I went to California, not Calabria for Christmas. I tried my best to surprise the mom, but ended up surprising everyone else and just worrying her to death! The surprises were varied, but the reactions of my grandma (constant smothering hugs-I was reminded of "Don't shake the baby!" ads), my aunt (quasi heart-attack, 2-hour jaw drop, and tae bo kicks in the air) and my uncle ("What are you doing here?") were my favorites.
It was quite the journey coming home what with the Europe-wide weather alerts. We got snowed in in Florence for one night, and then I spent two more in Munich. I tried to stay positive and not curse the weather gods, so I made friends with other unfortunates, took advantage of Lufthansa's free hotel/meal/transportation vouchers, and went to the Christmas markets in Munich.
While my trip back was thus shortened by 3 days, I guess it made me appreciate every minute of home that much more! It's amazing how much you forget (read: push out of your mind) just how much you enjoy the comforts of home and all the people who make it that way while you're gone.
Christmas was particularly special because it was the first time in no one remembers how long that grandma was here for Christmas together with all her grandchildren. Here's a cute one of all 7 of us with ava:

After Christmas, there was also my birthday and New Year's Eve. My birthday I just had a simple dinner at home with a few friends. Only Shawn, Gio and Brittany were able to make it. I guess that's what happens when you surprise all your friends with your presence, too! Here's the four of us on our "Let's try to find something interesting in Vacaville to show guests" walk:

New Year's Eve was an outrageous night where I got to see so many friends in San Francisco. It's funny, none of us reside there, but it still seems to be the common meeting place. I say we reconvene there for good. ;) Here's a cute one of me and Jod from that night:

Emily's sticking around a couple weeks to orient me to the inner-workings of the villa, and I appreciate the company. I'll be sad to see her go, but am looking forward to future Boston/San Francisco exchanges. Here's the two of us out with the students their last week in December:

Happy 2011, everyone!
aaah, finalmente! L'attesa è stata durissima, ma sapevo che stava per arrivare un nuovo post...evviva! attendo la lista dei buoni propositi:-)