Thursday, March 17, 2011

Auguri Italia!

Compliments of
(aka I forgot my camera, dagnabit)

Today is the 150th anniversary of the unification of the Italian states. This nationalistic occasion, while a great historic event, borders on ridiculous for many citizens since despite its political unification, Italy is far from unified. When one considers the ongoing racism between the north and the south, the varying health conditions between, say, Tuscany and Sicily, and the current goings-on of political playboy Burlusconi, it's understandable to see where these skeptics are coming from.

However, for others, it is a great opportunity to puff out their chests even more than usual and celebrate their red, white, and green, their land of exquisite cuisine and snobby espresso, suntanning, making out in public, and trading favors like Pokemon cards. At least on these things, everyone can unite.

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