Azzu's graduation was a couple weeks ago and I got off work to go to Bologna for the occasion. In Italy, graduation day is a lot more special and intimate because just a few people graduate at a time, and also all the friends and family sit in while the student presents their thesis to a panel of professors and receives a final grade. Well, intimate and
terrifying. Azzu was a ball of nerves leading up to the presentation, but she did a great job and afterward we could all breathe again. Here I'm hanging out taking pictures with the family while we were waiting for Azzurra's turn:

And then it was Azzurra's turn to present her thesis on Ryan Air. Imagine having all your closest peoples there for such an important scholastic event. We don't ever do things like this in America! (Thank God.)

I didn't breathe for 5 minutes:

She did it! I caught an adorable father/daughter shot:

Here's Gavina, Azzu, me and Cristina. Cristina is Azzu's best friend from home who just moved to Florence. Score for me!

Then, as is customary, friends make embarrassing posters and outfits for the graduate. Azzurra was a trash can and her sign is basically saying that she's a flake who always falls through when she says she'll meet up with you:

Then we went to lunch all together where we laughed more at embarrassing photos and games Azzurra had to do.

I'm so glad I was able to be present for such a big event. It made me reflect on the fact that Azzurra and I met her first year of college, three and a half years ago. I can't believe how much has happened since then. I used to worry that after that year in Bologna these friendships would slowly deteriorate due to distance and growing language incompetency, but here I am, back and better than ever! I feel so lucky to have such amazing Italian friends. Vi voglio benissimo, ragazzi!!
Sono commossa!!! :)