I don't even have any worthwhile pictures of Mantova, as we were there for just a quick afternoon. We visited Palazzo Te' and the Palazzo Ducale before moving right on to Ferrara, a town overflowing with people on bikes; the Davis of Italy one might say. One of the best things about Ferrara is that it's famous for pumpkin-stuffed pasta. Oh, how I constantly miss my (dare I say, native) Emilia-Romagna! Also, one day I got to meet up with an American friend from Siena (who used to do this job with Georgetown, actually) who was visiting her boyfriend in Ferrara.
Here I am returning to the castle in Ferrara. You might get a kick out of the next picture, which is me on another pile of cannonballs here at the castle from more than 3 years ago! I look so young (and skinny!)...but come to think of it isn't that what I'll be saying about all pictures of me for the rest of my life?
Immediately after arriving in Urbino, Emily and I wanted to explore the town before losing daylight. We stumbled upon a great local foods market selling honey, pumpkins, apples, and truffle oil. This guy was my favorite because he was wearing an Oakland Raiders windbreaker. When I asked him about it, he said he had no idea who the Raiders were but that when he couldn't find his coat that morning he stole this random one from his brother!
While up there, we saw newlyweds coming to take advantage of the blissful backdrop of Urbino. There were young boys playing soccer in the park that started chanting the wedding march for the couple. I felt like I was in an amazingly cheesy Italian movie.
Everywhere I turned was an awe-inspiring photo opt that reminded me of the simple beauties of this incredible country. I felt content, even merry in Urbino. How could I not? Every image in the town was joyful. So, enjoy.
Amazing! gorgeous! all the photos and you of course...this series should be an italy calendar. also, you should write a travel italy book of your own. i'm sure it would be way better/funnier/hipper than Steves. miss you bunches.