Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Villa Dolce Villa

These past few days absolutely make the cut on my Top Five Most Awesome Weekends Ever List.  Some of my Bologna peeps (finally) came to Florence to visit and not only did I host a dinner at the villa but we also managed to fit in lots of sight-seeing in the city.  Saturday evening at the villa was so pleasant with warm weather and a colorful, atmospheric sunset.  I made dinner but really the villa did all the work in providing a magical evening for us all.  It was incredibly special for me to have so many of my Italian friends all together in one place, not to mention having the means to provide everyone with such a unique evening!  Never again in my life will I host an event like this one.



We drank prosecco while chatting and taking in the view of the sunset over the city.  We also couldn't resist the chance to turn the evening into a prolonged photo shoot.  Our group that evening consisted of Azzurra and Alessandro, Cristina and Giulio, the brothers "Capilupi" Francesco and Alessandro, Fra's roommate appropriately also named Francesco, Stefano (who studied at UCSD) and Giuseppe, and our Bolognese friend Luca who studied at UCSB with Charlotte.




I have to give a shout-out to Sandra and Eleonora who helped me with several items on the menu, including the chocolate salami we made together for dessert, making it possible for me to spend the evening with my friends instead of slaving away in the kitchen.  I really have that villa down to a science, so setting everything up and putting everything away was a snap.

After dinner we toured the villa and I tried to convey a bit of the history and legends of the villa to my guests.  I talked way too much-but it's not every day I'm surrounded by Italians that are patient enough with me to let me finish a story, let alone five!

During our tour we ended up in my room and I commenced with the free auctioning off of all the things I've determined to be superfluous in my packing to return to the states.  Cristina and Azzurra were so entertaining clawing at the various items that the boys even stuck around for the show.  Sometimes I modeled items to try to get them to sell-I really can't fit all this stuff in my luggage!

I think my biggest thank you goes to the very spirit of this villa for inspiring what was an absolutely beautiful, memorable evening together.  I send my love to those friends that were able to join me for this final hurrah, as well as to those who were dearly missed!

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